Thursday, July 18, 2013

20 Questions - Director Heather

I want you all to get to know the whole staff a little better. In order to do that, we found a list of questions that everyone is going to answer, and I am going to share them with you. Not everyone has answered the questions yet, and I don't want to overwhelm you, so I'm just going to do one person at a time. To start with, who better than our fearless leader and director: Heather Harris.

The first thing that you need to know is that Heather is very much a monkey. If you don't know what I mean by that, check out my blog on our personality types -> click HERE <-  She is a fifth grade teacher, and loves the kids in her classes. She's always looking for ways to improve her classroom experience and keep the kids interested.

1) Were you named after anyone?
Nope! Well, my middle name or my first name? My first name I am pretty sure my mother just made up out of thin air. My middle name is the same as my dad's.

2) Do you like your own handwriting?
I write like a teacher.

3) What would your superpower be if you had one?
To be invisible! Then I could sneak on planes and travel the world for free. Or should it just be flying?

4) Are you and Optimist or a Pessimist?

5) What do you collect?
Memories! And pictures!!! Lots and lots of pictures!!!!

6) What movie would your friends be surprised that you like?
Tyler Perry's serious movies.

7) What are your favorite smells?
Clean Linen!

8) Coffee or Tea?

9) Coke or Pepsi?

10) What is the best thing you've ever eaten? (Where?)
My favorite meal is cheeseburger just ketchup with cheese fries and a sweet tea from Chris'. It is sooo good!! I would want it as my last meal on earth! It is very fattening so I do not get to eat it a lot.

11) Mac or PC?

12) What are you listening to right now?
Samie saying "what?" Along with the ping pong game of Megan and Elliot.

13) What career would you pursue in another life?
Photographer that would travel the world! I would take pictures of people in different cultures. I want to find the beauty of every culture through making relationships with the people!

14) What sound or noise do you love?
The sounds of a baseball games and laughter!

15) What sound or noise do you hate?
The constant sound of ping pong balls being hit back and forth right now.

16) Mountains or Beach?
Both! I love to travel!!

17) Cook or Bake?
Neither. I would rather be doing anything else.

18) Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself?
Sure! Why not! But I would much rather be able to talk. Of course I could just make new friends!

19) What is your favorite childhood Fairytale or childhood story?
Disney's Aladdin! I love the music and one day going on a magic carpet ride!

20) What would you tell the 13-year-old you?
Everyday is an adventure! Get LOST! Find the beauty EVERYWHERE!

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