If you want to take the quiz I have included it below, or you can skip to the bottom and simply read about each personality type. Keep in mind that one category cannot possibly cover all aspects of an individual's personality, and that the characteristics in each category may not fit everyone who falls into that category.
Choose the item in each line that is most like you, and put a 4 in the blank next to it. Pick the item that is next and put a 3 in that blank, and a 2 and a 1.1) ___ Likes Authority ___ Enthusiastic ___ Sensitive Feelings ___ Likes Instruction
2) ___ Takes Charge ___ Takes Risks ___ Loyal ___ Accurate
3) ___ Determined ___ Visionary ___ Calm ___ Consistent
4) ___ Enterprising ___ Verbal ___ Enjoys Routine ___ Predictable
5) ___ Competitive ___ Promoter ___ Dislikes Change ___ Practical
6) ___ Problem Solver ___ Enjoys Popularity ___ Gives in to Others ___ Factual
7) ___ Productive ___ Fun-loving ___ Avoids Confrontation ___ Responsible
8) ___ Bold ___ Likes Variety ___ Sensitive ___ Prefers Perfection
9) ___ Decision Maker ___ Spontaneous ___ Nurturing ___ Detail Oriented
10) ___ Persistent ___ Inspirational ___ Peace Maker ___ Analytical
Now add up the totals for each column.
a) _____ b) _____ c) _____ d) _____
a) Lion
Positives: Determined, Independent, Productive, Strong-willed, Visionary, Optimistic, Active, Practical, Courageous, Decisive, Self-Confident, Efficient, Leader
Negatives: Unempathetic, Pushy, Insensitive, Inconsiderate, Severe, Hostile, Sarcastic, Tough, Unforgiving, Opinionated, Prejudiced, Harsh, Arrogant
b) Monkey
Positives: Outgoing, Ambitious, Charismatic, Warm, Stimulating, Responsive, Talkative, Enthusiastic, Carefree, Compassionate, Dramatic, Generous, Friendly
Negatives: Weak-willed, Manipulative, Restless, Disorganized, Unproductive, Excitable, Undependable, Undisciplined, Obnoxious, Loud, Reactive, Exaggerates, Fearful, Egotistical
c) Golden Retriever
Positives: Calm, Supportive, Easygoing, Likeable, Respectful, Diplomatic, Efficient, Willing, Organized, Conservative, Practical, Dependable, Reluctant Leader, Agreeable, Dry Humor
Negatives: Unbothered, Conforming, Blase, Indolent, Unsure, Spectator, Selfish, Ingratiating, Stingy, Stubborn, Dependent, Self-Proactive, Indecisive, Awkward, Fearful
d) Beaver
Positives: Industrious, Gifted, Perfectionist, Persistent, Conscientious, Loyal, Serious, Aesthetic, Idealistic, Exacting, Sensitive, Self-Criticizing, Orderly, Self-Disciplined
Negatives: Moody, Critical, Negative, Rigid, Indecisive, Legalistic, Self-Centered, Stuffy, Touchy, Vengeful, Picky, Persecution Prone, Unsociable, Moralistic, Theoretical
I will conclude this part of "Getting to Know the Staff" by saying, I am a beaver (the only one on staff). So maybe that will let you understand my personality a bit more. As the summer progresses I will try to make sure that you have met everyone else.
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