Monday, July 22, 2013

20 Questions - Tanna

For our next installment of getting to know the staff, I'm going to tell you about Tanna. She was one of our amazing assistant staff, and was with us during our camps at Up River and in Yadkin County.

Tanna is going into her senior year of high school, with dreams of being a high school home-economics teacher. Her passion for service and for kids is amazing! We do not know what animal category she falls into, but I'm willing to bet that she's a monkey as well. If you don't know what I mean by that, check out my blog on our personality types -> click HERE <- 

1) Were you named after anyone?
Not my first name, but my middle name is the same as my grandma's, great-grandma's, and great-great-grandma's.

2) Do you like your own handwriting?
Only with certain letters and when I write on white boards.

3) What would your superpower be if you had one?
Turning inanimate objects into chairs, that way I can always be lazy.

4) Are you and Optimist or a Pessimist?
I don't see the glass half empty or half full, I see it as something to drink when I'm thirsty.

5) What do you collect?
Books, I love them all.

6) What movie would your friends be surprised that you like?
My friends just expect me to like weird things...

7) What are your favorite smells?
Versace cologne, old books, ice cream, most men's cologne, the Mahogany stuff from Bath and Body Works, and libraries.

8) Coffee or Tea?
Sweet tea or McDonald's mocha frappe.

9) Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Coke or regular Pepsi.

10) What is the best thing you've ever eaten? (Where?)
Bamboo Garden's egg rolls!!

11) Mac or PC?
No electronics, they don't like me.

12) What are you listening to right now?
Zach's commentary on what I'm typing, the van wheels, and Heather's loud mouth <3

13) What career would you pursue in another life?
Missionary works.

14) What sound or noise do you love?
Little kids playing and British accents.

15) What sound or noise do you hate?
Smacking of lips.

16) Mountains or Beach?
Mountains, but not hiking!

17) Cook or Bake?

18) Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself?
I'm never alone, I have Jesus and a good book.

19) What is your favorite childhood Fairytale or childhood story?
The Little Mermaid.

20) What would you tell the 13-year-old you?
Don't worry about boys, have fun and everything will work out in the end!

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